
SS Day 2024

 Assalamu Alaikum, 

I would like to extend my deepest gratitude and thanks  to everyone who contributed to the grand success of the Sir Syed Day celebration held on 20th December 2024. This remarkable event reflects the dedication, teamwork, and unwavering commitment of our AMUOBA family.
A special note of appreciation goes to our Convenor, Er. Sajid Ali, Vice President, and Co-Convenor, Dr. M. Shahanshah Khan, Joint Secretary, for their outstanding  and tireless efforts in planning and executing this celebration with precision.
I also extend my heartfelt thanks to the Executive Members and the entire AMUOBA community for their invaluable contributions and the generous time they dedicated to making this event a memorable success. Each of you has played an integral role in honoring the legacy of Sir Syed Ahmad Khan and exemplifying the values he stood for.
While there is always room for learning and improvement, the passion and commitment displayed by our members have set a new standard of excellence.
Let us continue to work together with the same enthusiasm and determination to uphold the spirit of Sir Syed and achieve greater milestones for our community.
Warm regards,
Sarwar Iqbal Khan
General Secretary, AMUOBA